John Holland CRN Partnership Conserving and Improving Squirrel Glider Habitat

Mid Lachlan Landcare recently partnered with John Holland Country Regional Network to undertake threatened Squirrel Glider conservation works along the non-operational rail line between Cowra and Demondrille in Central West NSW. The project will provide additional denning and nesting sites using artificial nest boxes and will include planting of mid and understorey shrubs, particularly Acacia (wattle) species, to improve foraging resources. Seed is currently being collected locally from roadsides and remnants from Cowra to Monteagle.

Spotlighting to detect Squirrel Gliders began a few weeks ago after site scoping identified a number of suitable locations. Then, one warm night during late November we hit Squirrel Glider gold! Two individuals were identified in the spotlight beam.

This site will now be the focus of many of the on-ground works scheduled for early 2015. Watch this space!


2 Comments on “John Holland CRN Partnership Conserving and Improving Squirrel Glider Habitat

  1. Great work Vanessa. At JHR we are so glad to be collaborating with the Mid Lachlan and Young Landcare on this project.


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